Typical schedule
(all times EST/GMT-5):

Mondays 8:30PM

Wednesdays 6:30PM

Fridays 2PM


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October Ember

Within the undulating cadence of being human, we falter. We tire. We want simplicity, yet struggle for it as complex creatures. We succeed. We fail. We practice again.

We compare ourselves. We demote ourselves in our own eyes, and lose pieces of who we are along the way. Hold on to the truth that you matter, and have inherent value as an entity
Within the undulating cadence of being human, we falter. We tire. We want simplicity, yet struggle for it as complex creatures. We succeed. We fail. We practice again.

We compare ourselves. We demote ourselves in our own eyes, and lose pieces of who we are along the way. Hold on to the truth that you matter, and have inherent value as an entity that exists.

"Fail" was recorded in our home studio in Columbus, OH.
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  1. Fail


October Ember

"Dwell" is a song about how nostalgia, although filled with sweetness, can also be a negative force that keeps one tethered to the past instead of living in the now and enjoying the memories to come. It was recorded in our home studio in Columbus, OH.
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  1. Dwell


October Ember

It can all be too much at times. The need for simplicity and a return to the wide open serenity of desert space is a bright warm glow deep inside. It reminds us of our own vastness, our own potential for emptiness. The peace from a barren space can foster our internal stillness and settle even the most agitated and cringing cells in our skin. We
It can all be too much at times. The need for simplicity and a return to the wide open serenity of desert space is a bright warm glow deep inside. It reminds us of our own vastness, our own potential for emptiness. The peace from a barren space can foster our internal stillness and settle even the most agitated and cringing cells in our skin. We embrace the sky and sand. We smile into the bright blue and golden void.

"Desert" was recorded in our home studio in Columbus, OH.
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  1. Desert


October Ember

"Sky" is a song about reveling together in each moment while they exist, as everything is ultimately transient, and the desire to find one another again as stardust. It was recorded in our home studio in Columbus, OH.
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  1. Sky


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